SEPTEMBER: Frenemies

“There is nothing worse than a wolf in sheep’s clothing. 

Avoid false friendships at all costs.” 

— Marcus Arelius 


It’s obvious that we should keep away from the wicked and two-faced people as much as possible. The jealous friend, the narcissistic parent, the untrustworthy partner.  But what if we turn the mirror around?  


Perhaps we have all been a frenemy at one point or another. For example, we’ve been nice to someone’s face but later to someone else, we say how we really feel. Or we’ve strung someone along, cared about them when things were going well, and then not so much when things got rough. 

In this conversation, ask yourselves what you have learned from false friends. Also, consider when we have been less than true to a friend and what we learned from that experience. 

    1. Have you had an experience of a frenemy, someone untrustworthy?

    2. In what relationship have you been too trusting?

    3. We say we are supportive of other women, but do we ever put another woman down for being too loud, too flashy, too much? 

    4. Can you see sincerity and honesty ~ or lack thereof ~by looking someone in the eyes?  

    5. Have you ever talked with friends about gossip and how it feels to be talked about behind your back? 

    6. Have you ever had to stand by while a loved one takes up with a false friend? 

    7. Take a moment for self-compassion. We aren’t perfect. When we know better, we can do better.  What are your takeaways?

Adelaide Waters