DECEMBER: Your Year in Review

Remember the five lists you made in January. It’s time to pull those lists out to review your year. Did you experience this exercise of lists as celebratory? Energizing? Exorcising? Reassuring? Motivating?  

Did the exercise quell your inner critic and remind you that you’ve accomplished so much, that you know what you want, that you can face it all, that you have everything you need, and that you can manifest your dreams? 

  1. Wins. Any new wins to add to the list? 

  2. Yearnings/Needs. What happened when you clarified and expressed your needs?

  3. Worries. In what ways were worries listed cathartic or helpful?  Is your list of worries counter-productive for you? 

  4. Toolkit. Reflect on all the hard things you’ve gotten through this year. What tools were most useful this year?

  5. Dreams. How have the universal energies conspired to assist you and surprise you? 

Next, write a new list: Appreciations. Appreciate the significance of the people and the possibilities available to you, with the blessings of health, wealth, work, family, and home.

(Or) Scribe a group list of Appreciation, take a photo of the list, and share it with all group members.  

Adelaide Waters