JULY: The Fertile Void

Every woman knows the territory of endings and beginnings.  The fertile void is the transition period from one phase of life into another.  We struggle less with endings that are chosen and planned for because we feel a sense of control. When endings catch us by surprise and we have no warning and little sense of control, we can feel the aftershocks for years.

In this conversation, explore the hidden opportunities of the fertile void.  Think about how you navigate changes that rock your sense of security and your identity.  For example:

    • Pausing your career to raise children.

    • Going back to work after a pause.  

    • Moving and having to make new friends. 

    • Starting over following a divorce or empty nest. 

    • Starting a new business. Retiring. 

    • Caring for aging parents. 

    • Losing a loved one. 

  1. Discuss the adage: “It’s not what happens that matters, it’s what you make of it.” Do you believe in this value? When has it served you well? 

  2. Describe a move you made to leave a bad situation and/or start something new. What or who supported your choice to take personal responsibility for improving your situation?

  3. Take an unplanned or unwanted crisis that unfolded in your life. Looking back, what does the fertile void mean to you?  

  4. Following a loss or crisis, what choices have supported you in creating a more fruitful or generative recovery than you imagined possible?

  5. What thoughts or advice do you have about coping with a loss so big that the void can never be filled?  

  6. Takeaways.

Adelaide Waters